
5 Tips to Create Goals you can Actually Achieve in 2020

It’s that time of year again. Time for New Years Resolutions! Most of us know how easy it can be to set goals but how it is to achieve them. This year set achievable goals by using these five tactics.

1. How do you want to see your business grow?

Identify where you want to see you business grow in 2020. Be specific! For example, don’t just say you want to see an increase in revenue. Say you want to see a 35% rise in revenue by September. Laying out specific goals leaves no confusion to be had. Being specific provides clarity to you and your team of exactly what need to be worked on.

2. Be Realistic!

You can not expect to see your business change overnight. You need to set realistic deadlines to give you and your team time to achieve these goals. You can not set a goal to start earning $100,000 a month when you have never earned that much in 6 months. Instead you can start by trying to increase sales by 15% every month. Setting goals like this this will increase your chances of actually achieving your goals.

3. Ask your employees

A good place to start when looking at where to improve your business is to ask your employees. Often times we can get too caught up on the business side of things and forget at the people helping that business run. Employees can give insight into where they think the company can grow and improve in the next year.

4. Set a plan

Layout a timeline for yourself. It is important to set your goal in increments. Split your goal up into what you want to achieve each month. Laying this out ahead of time will keep you on top of your goals.


After you have written out your goals it is always a good idea to look at them through a S.M.A.R.T. lens. No not literally a smart lens, use the acronym S.M.A.R.T. to asses your goals:

Specific: Write them out clear and concise.

Measurable: Make sure you are able to track the progress of your goal, step by step.

Achievable: It is important to be enthusiastic about your goals, but always remember to keep them realistic.

Relevant: Determine where you are trying to take your business. You don’t want goals that will take you off track.

Timeframe: Confirm you can finish your goal in the Timeframe allotted to you and your team. Time frames can make or break a goal, have an over-ambitious or not quite ambitious enough time frame and your goal might just fade into the background. Remember whenever making goals to use these five tips and follow S.M.A.R.T. You can also use these when creating your personal New Year’s resolutions too.

5. Make sure you are ready financially

Implement all your new strategies. Get feedback from your employees and customers. You need to look at what is working and is not working. Keep updated on all the CDC, state, and county regulations.


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